
What is this fascia all about‽

Where is the fascia in the body?

The short answer is: Fascia is everywhere. It surrounds all organs, blood vessels, bones, nerves, and muscles. Fascia is also very sensitive and highly innervated and acts as a support and protective system for all internal structures. Furthermore, fascia is important in lubrication and as part of the immune system.

As you can imagine, the role of fascia in the body is crucial for good functioning. Rather than just a sheet of tissue, Fascia is made up of different layers of elastic fibers and liquid that enables it to stretch, shorten and move with the structures it surrounds.

As most individuals have experienced before, fascia can be very tender to touch and develop painful knots. Additionally, fascia can thicken and become tight and dry. Staying hydrated and mobile is a great way for the fascia to stay healthy.

When fascia does become stressed due to bad habits, poor posture, improper usage or trauma, it becomes tight and causes movement restrictions that will further compromise the body’s functions.

The best way to maintain healthy fascia is to keep moving, exercise, stretch, and stay hydrated. To reduce tightness of the fascia, manual, and heat therapy, foam rolling and yoga are recommended.